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READ ABOUT: “Do I Need Title Insurance?”
One of the most frequent questions real estate attorneys hear is, “Do I need title insurance, and if so, why?” The next question, of course, is, “And how much will it cost?” A title insurance policy covers a number of aspects of ownership important to any purchaser of real estate. First and foremost, it confirms…
Inns, Hostels and the Spare Bedroom: Offering Vacation Rentals in Maine
Maine is Vacationland. According to a report commissioned by the Maine Office of Tourism, in 2013 over 16 million tourists visited Maine for leisure or to visit friends or relatives. Of the 10,195,297 leisure travelers, 80% stayed in paid accommodations, of which 8% of leisure travelers rented a cabin, cottage, condo or vacation home. Of…
Stealing Corporate Identities and Maine’s New Online Corporate Fraud Monitoring Service
People go to great lengths to protect and monitor their individual identities, but corporate identities are more difficult to protect. Creative thieves who could otherwise spend their intellectual capital contributing to the economy instead prefer to siphon from company coffers by committing fraud. Corporate fraud is in some regards easier to commit than other types…
Why Should I Form an LLC?
By Allison A. Economy, Esq. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well from Maine to California. Great ideas are spreading with help from television shows like Shark Tank, where hopefuls seek investors to fund their products, and online shopping forums like Etsy, where sellers can offer their handmade goods to buyers around the world. A…
Seller Beware: Warranty Disclaimers and the Unfair Trade Practices Act
By: Rudman Winchell Attorney Allison A. Economy Maine law prohibits unfair methods of competition and unfair practices under the Unfair Trade Practices Act (the “Act”). The Act is particularly stringent when it comes to warranties offered in connection with the sale or manufacture of consumer goods. Consumer goods are those used primarily for personal, family,…
If you own a business, or find yourself in a situation where you may have evidence related to a potential dispute, you may have a duty to preserve that evidence. It is important to understand your obligations and the steps you should take. The obligation to preserve evidence arises when (1) you have notice that…