Rudman Winchell attorney Anne-Marie Storey is quoted in this very interesting article from the Bangor Daily News.
Rudman Winchell attorney Anne-Marie Storey is quoted in this very interesting article from the Bangor Daily News.
This is an update to the email blast we provided last week. Maine’s Employment Leave for Caregivers and Persons Affected by Extreme Public Health Emergency law likely applies to pandemic-related issues. One question that came from that is whether and how that law applies to parents whose children are either in a hybrid situation or…
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the recent outbreak of monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Because of the difference in how monkeypox is understood to spread, there may be less immediate concern about most workplaces at this time (with the exception of healthcare). At this time, neither the CDC nor OSHA…
The First Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision in December, 2014, that offers important guidance for employers and employees concerning the obligations of both parties during the “interactive process” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). The ADA protects disabled employees from discrimination on account of their disabilities and may require employers to implement…
In order to assist our clients in preparing for the new deadlines for compliance with OSHA’s ETS, this update addresses the preliminary issue of how an employer should calculate whether they meet the 100 employee threshold. The ETS provides some information about how to calculate that number. All employees are counted, including full time, part-time,…
By Anne-Marie L. Storey, Esq. On July 14, the EEOC issued an Enforcement Guidance addressing pregnancy discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the ADA as they apply to pregnant employees. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act extends Title VII to prohibit an employer from discriminating on…
Anne-Marie L. Storey, Esq. There are many well-documented benefits to employer sponsored wellness programs. However, such programs can result in a discrimination or workers’ compensation claim in certain circumstances. I. Americans With Disabilities Act/Maine Human Rights Act Although employers generally may only make medical inquiries that are job related and consistent with business necessity, some…
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P.O. Box 1401
Bangor, Maine 04402
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P.O. Box 712
Ellsworth, ME 04605
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