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Attorneys Kristy Hapworth and Michael Hockenbury Make Partner at Rudman Winchell
Bangor, Maine, January 1, 2022 – Our law firm is pleased to announce that attorneys Kristy M. Hapworth and Michael A. Hockenbury have been named to the partnership of Rudman Winchell, effective January 1st. As partners, both Kristy and Mike will continue to provide exceptional service and advocacy for their clients and we are excited…
Dealing With Debt After Death
Families face a number of challenges when a loved one dies. The last thing a grieving family member needs is to be bombarded with calls from creditors trying to collect the debts of the deceased relative. It happens, nonetheless. Fortunately, the obligation of repayment generally does not extend to the deceased debtor’s family members. Instead,…
Increased Privacy Protections Proposed for the Probate Courts
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