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The CARE Act: Support for Maine’s Caregivers
Caregiving from family and friends is an invaluable help, particularly for older individuals who wish to continue living in their homes. Fortunately, many Mainers support each other by assisting with the multitude of daily living tasks. According to Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update by the AARP Public Policy Institute, 178,000 Mainers each provide an average…
What is Long-Term Care? Why Should We Plan for It?
I am often asked why we should worry about planning for long-term care. It is a good question. I think before we can talk about why we should talk about what. What is long-term care? We hear that phrase all over the place. What does it actually mean? Long-term care happens in that phase of life…
Medicaid Estate Recovery: Will the State Take my House?
There is a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding estate recovery and the Maine Medicaid (MaineCare) long-term care benefit. One of the biggest fears we hear from aging Mainers is, “I don’t want the State to take my house.” That only happens in the context of a process called estate recovery. Estate recovery can only…
How do I protect my house? My family camp? My life savings? Those are the most common questions I hear when meeting with a client to discuss planning for long-term care. Long-term care services can include a variety of supports in a facility or in the home. These services are extremely expensive. Seventy percent of…
Achieving Better Life Experience
Do I have to spend down my entire settlement or inheritance to be able to keep my Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? No! There is a new savings tool available to individuals with disabilities called the ABLE account. ABLE stands for Achieving a Better Life Experience. This Act was passed in December 2014, and it allows…