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New Maine Law Distinguishes Service and Assistance Animals and Seeks to Curb Abuse
A recent change to Maine law seeks to clarify the law regarding service animals and combat a perceived increase in misrepresentation of pets as service animals. The new law, which took effect July 29, 2016, creates a distinction between “service animals” and “assistance animals,” and also increases penalties for misrepresentation of animals as service or…
Northern Light Blue Hill & Maine Coast Hospital Board Welcomes Three New Trustees, Including Rudman Winchell’s Own Michael A. Hockenbury, Esq
Find the full article at The Ellsworth American. Michael Hockenbury, Esq Rudman Winchell 207-947-4501
Best Practices in International Business Contracting – Part 2
In a prior blog post, I began discussing best practices when contracting with another business that is outside of the United States. The most successful businesses forecast their potential business risks, discuss them early with their counterparts, include related provisions in their contracts addressing those risks, and then monitor the relationship on an ongoing basis….
What to Do when OSHA Knocks
By: Rudman Winchell Attorney F. David Walker IV Every year OSHA conducts thousands of inspections of private businesses around the country. In the State of Maine alone, more than 600 inspections of Maine businesses were conducted in the last fiscal year. A review of statistics published by OSHA reveals that, on average, OSHA inspections result…
Why Should I Form an LLC?
By Allison A. Economy, Esq. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well from Maine to California. Great ideas are spreading with help from television shows like Shark Tank, where hopefuls seek investors to fund their products, and online shopping forums like Etsy, where sellers can offer their handmade goods to buyers around the world. A…