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On May 20, the Maine Department of Labor (DOL) issued proposed rules interpreting the Paid Family Medical Leave Act. Employers are encouraged to review these proposals, which can be found here, to determine if there are areas that may benefit from their comments.

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Key Points for Employers:

  1. Review and Understand: The proposed rules contain extensive information that may impact your business. Take the time to thoroughly review the details.
  2. Provide Feedback: If you identify areas of concern or suggestions for improvement, you can submit your comments to the DOL. The deadline for comments is July 8, 2024. Submissions can be made online through the same link or by mail to: Paid Family and Medical Leave Program 50 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0050
  3. Stay Informed: Rudman Winchell’s Employment Team will be reviewing the proposed rules and will keep our clients updated on any developments. If you prefer, you can share your comments with Anne-Marie at so she can combine and submit them collectively.

This is a critical time for employers to engage in the rulemaking process and ensure their voices are heard. Your feedback can shape the final regulations and how they impact your business.

To stay up-to-date with employment trends, join the waitlist for our Annual Employment Conference here.

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