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The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced a significant update to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program that will benefit many individuals in Maine. This update, effective September 30, 2024, broadens the definition of a public assistance household, making it easier for more people to qualify for SSI and potentially increase the payments for current recipients.

Key Changes to SSI Eligibility

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The new rule expands the definition of a public assistance household to include those receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payments and households where not all members receive public assistance. Previously, all household members had to receive public assistance for the household to be considered a public assistance household. This change will allow more people to qualify for SSI and reduce the reporting burdens for those living in such households.

Additionally, the SSA now defines a public assistance household as one that includes both an SSI applicant or recipient and at least one other household member who receives one or more means-tested public income-maintenance (PIM) payments. This update reflects a significant shift from the prior requirement, where all household members needed to receive public assistance.

Impact on Maine Residents

For Maine residents, this expanded definition means that more individuals, particularly those in mixed-assistance households, will be eligible for SSI benefits. This is crucial for many families who rely on SNAP and other means-tested programs to make ends meet. The updated rule ensures that the financial assistance from these programs is not counted as income, allowing more Maine residents to qualify for SSI and receive higher payments.

Benefits of the Rule Change

The updated rule also supports greater equity by recognizing the current landscape of public assistance programs. By including SNAP, the SSA is acknowledging the importance of this program in helping low-income families and simplifying access to SSI benefits. This change is part of a broader effort by the SSA to continuously improve the SSI program, making it more accessible and beneficial for those in need.

How to Apply

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Maine residents interested in learning more about SSI eligibility or applying for benefits can visit the SSA’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) webpage. For detailed information on the new rule, visit the Federal Register: Expand the Definition of a Public Assistance Household.

This update marks a positive step towards making critical benefits more accessible to those who need them most. At Rudman Winchell, we are committed to keeping our clients informed about important changes like these and helping them navigate the complexities of public assistance programs.

For further reading on the SSA’s announcement, you can refer to the original article by Jeffrey Buckner, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications, titled “Social Security to Expand Access to SSI Program by Updating Definition of a Public Assistance Household,” published on May 9, 2024.

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